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Jan 25, 2017
Welsh Moods
Monday was supposed to be a bright sunny day in Snowdonia. It was just that as I arrived at Conwy for my morning coffee, a perfect mix of...

Jan 3, 2017
More from the Vale of Clwyd
Following the lovely walk we did last week, we did another in the same area with a slight overlap, starting from the tiny village of...

Jan 1, 2017
A grey day in Berkshire
Visiting relatives in Berkshire over christmas, we had a lot of foggy days. This stroll around the small village of Bagnor was no...

Dec 27, 2016
Moel Gyw
Joy and I did a great walk around the south-eastern end of the Clwydian range in north Wales, the physical and metaphorical high point...

Dec 25, 2016
Lymm Christmas
In response to WordPress Daily Photo challenge Path Joy and I went out for the traditional christmas day amble in the fields and lanes...

Mar 14, 2016
Olympus OMD-EM10 monochrome conversion
The Olympus OMD-EM10 (mark 1) has a built-in monochrome preset called “monotone”. If you select this preset (menu -> Shooting Menu 1 ->...

Mar 6, 2016
A walk round the hills above Llangollen yesterday. Changeable weather is good photo weather but I’d forgotten my waterproofs! A good day...

Feb 21, 2016
Cheshire, Beeston Castle
Cheshire continues to be a black and white location. I’d hoped for a good sunset but it turned cloudy and wet, hence the B+W treatment....

Jan 7, 2016
Cheshire Grey
Since I started photography I’ve been used to colourful winters. I’ve spent all of them in the pennines, either in the Yorkshire Dales or...

Jan 3, 2016
End of year B&W
While visiting relatives and doing some walking I’ve taken some black and white shots. #photography #omdem10 #landscape #gallerypost...

Dec 17, 2015
Cheshire Gothic
A dark and moody morning for my first photo-shoot in our new home, Lymm in Cheshire. The setting is Lymm dam and St. Mary’s Church....

Dec 16, 2015
Winter at the seaside
We’ve settled into our new house and I’ve managed to get out a few times to shoot some pictures. Yesterday we went to Llandudno and...

Sep 23, 2015
In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Grid.” Manchester city centre reflection #monochrome #olympus #omdem10 #photography

Sep 13, 2015
#monochrome #olympus #omdem10 #photography

Aug 26, 2015
South Pennines scenery
This is fairly typical south Pennines scenery, south of Skipton. The long and very tough grass is always a sign of very wet ground but...

Aug 25, 2015
The beauty of everyday objects
The subtle texture of the spoon, with scratches and dents through long use, and the grain of the wood. #monochrome #photography

Aug 11, 2015
Photo post
Raindrops and grass #landscape #monochrome #olympus #omdem10

May 19, 2015
Two views of mountains in the Stubai valley in Austria. #austria #landscape #monochrome

May 18, 2015
A peak in the Silvretta, Austria. The weather wasn’t good that summer (2014). #austria #landscape #monochrome

Apr 15, 2015
Random photo
Teasel and fence. I’ll post occasional random individual photos here, usually because I’ve just got round to processing them and I don’t...
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