I had some time to kill yesterday and wandered round a National Trust property called Dunham Park with my Olympus OMD-EM10. I fancied square format pictures. This is a nice thing about mirrorless cameras, you can choose an aspect ratio and that’s what you’ll see in the viewfinder. Square turns out to be a nice shape for flower pictures.
When I got home and started processing in Lightroom there was something odd. The Lightroom controls seemed different. It turned out I had been shooting in JPEG instead of RAW. Not even high-resolution JPEG. It was set to the M(N) setting, which is Medium resolution, Normal quality. I was first of all furious, then worried, then became a lot less bothered. It wasn’t “serious” shooting, just snapping while I had time to kill. Also, turns out that the JPEGs can take plenty of processing in Lightroom without degrading, at least for web reproduction. Finally, the look of them is very good out of the camera.
