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New work to buy

Haweswater, High Street, Harter Fell from the Old Corpse Road
Haweswater Sunrise

I've just added this beautiful view of Haweswater at sunrise to my Etsy shop. Click here if you'd like to buy it.

I took this shot last summer while we were allowed out and about. I used my bivvy bag to wild camp for the night very close to the ruined barn you see in the picture. Photographically it wasn't the most successful trip I've had. Haze at sunset and thick cloud at sunrise. But having got up around four thirty for the dawn and finding it disappointing I lay back down for a nap. When I opened my eyes a short time later I could have kicked myself. The clouds had all evaporated and the air was crystal clear. I could pick out every detail on the mountains opposite. I rushed to get set up again and took this classic view of Harter Fell on the left and High Street on the right.

I wrote a blog about this trip a few days later, which you can find here.

I've had this shot on my market stall since then and it has been popular but this is the first time selling it on-line. The reason is one of practicality. It's in a wide format - 16:9 aspect ratio. So far I've only had it for sale in the largest size, as I need to keep a stock of frames for each aspect ratio and I was reluctant to buy yet more expensive frame mouldings to keep in stock for yet another aspect ratio. Now, though, I've taken the plunge and there will be several more prints being added to my Etsy shop in this shape in the near future.


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