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My home-made market stall

In (belated – as in a week late) response to the WordPress Daily Post challenge Repurpose

From the front, I hope and think that my market stall looks pretty good…


From the back, it looks a little more chaotic.


Many of the bits making up the “display equipment” are bits of stuff from Ikea, The Range, Homebase, B+Q, etc. The two large wooden boxes are B+Q, there’s a wooden plank which is part of an Ikea bookcase, the little wooden box things are drawers from an Ikea drawer unit. The fancy metal easels are recipe book holders from The Range or Dunelm Mill, etc…


Boxes from Homebase and Dunelm Mill


Box from Ikea, metal easels from The Range


Box and crate from B+Q and Ikea, metal easel is recipe book holder from The Range

You’ll find most of the stallholders doing the same thing. Whenever I go into Ikea or the like I have an eye out for bits of furniture that I could repurpose into easels or photo display shelves of some sort. The reasons are obvious – it’s cheap, and it gives a nice feel to the stall.

If you’re ever thinking of taking up something like this yourself, then this is a good way to start. Look round your house for anything that you could re-use for display. Don’t go out and spend lots of money on purpose-built display equipment.

There is one piece on my stall that is purpose-built – the large shelf unit, which I bought very recently and used just once so far. It’s main purpose was to help me wind-proof the stall. A qualified success so far, but I have to say not as attractive as the re-purposed stuff.


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