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Grasmere sunset


£7 for car parking??? I really need to get better at finding free parking in the Lake District. My plan was for Grasmere and I realised there aren’t any cheap car parks around Grasmere. It turned out to be worth it as the light and weather were fantastic. I’d thought of staying low down by the water but I couldn’t help following the rough path up to Loughrigg Fell. There’s a proper panorama up there taking in Grasmere, the Fairfield horseshoe, Great and Little Langdales, Bowfell and the Pikes, Wetherlam and Coniston Old Man, Windermere, and more besides. I had to reject a few pictures when I got home because of motion blur – even with the camera on the tripod and me putting all my weight on it the wind was strong enough to shake the shot to fuzziness.

All taken with the Olympus OMD-EM10 and M.Zuiko 14-42mm pancake zoom.


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