Thanks to lockdown I've been taking lots of wildflower shots since March. In summer most years I like to go out wild camping so I can be there for the sunrise and sunset. That first wasn't allowed by lockdown rules and then the weather changed and it's been very unreliable since but I finally managed my first wild camp of the year. I went to a place I've recently discovered, Haweswater, which I visited for the first time just a few weeks ago. In my head it was always a place of featureless green slopes but how wrong I was.
The weather was perfect for camping, warm, dry and still, but very hazy and humid with mist forming into clouds on the mountain ridges. This reduced the picture possibilities quite a bit in the evening (the next morning was much better) but I managed to get a few shots.
I was on a path called The Old Corpse Road, because it was the route that locals took to get their dead loved ones buried in the next valley. It has a pair of perfectly placed ruined old barns looking out over the lake in just the right way for a photographer.
I'll post the morning shots in the next post. I'm already planning my next trip though the weather is doing its best to get in the way again.