One of my most popular pictures taken in 2017, two swans on the River Lambourn in Berkshire
Happy Christmas for 2017! I haven’t posted anything here for a while for the simple reason that November and December are my busiest months in the year by quite a long way. Doing three markets per week instead of two per month, extra sales through the web, plus all the restocking that’s needed, leave no time for going out taking photos. That’s all finished now and hopefully back to normal. Weather permitting I hope to be back in the hills next week and taking more photographs. Here are some other new things for 2018:
You can now find me on facebook. I have a page at @artoflandscapephoto on which I’ll be posting updates and news. Please take a look.
Market dates
I’ve started adding market dates to my events page on the main site.
New pictures available to buy
I’ve been slack at keeping up my galleries page and my Etsy online shop with my latest work, so I’ve started adding new work to Etsy and will continue with that over the coming days and weeks.
Photography workshops and tuition
I’m planning to start offering photography workshops and individual tuition at some point in 2018. Not sure when yet but I’m currently trying it out on some willing test subjects. Let me know if you’re interested.
That’s all for now. Good shooting for 2018.